Your decision to marry - to commit yourselves to one another forever - may well be the most important decision you have made, or will make, in your lives. Learning how to communicate effectively with each other is at the heart of marriage and therefore should be central to your marriage preparation. The Marriage Preparation Program (Pre-Cana) contains thought-provoking exercises to help you think through and share your thoughts and feelings about marriage, its meaning and its challenges. It helps you to understand each other more deeply.
The exercises include: Communication, Conflict Resolution, Families of Origin, Hopes & Dreams, Intimacy, Explosive Issues, Religious Faith, Planning a Family, Money Matters and Planning & Celebrating the Wedding Day. The goal of this program is to assist the couple as they prepare for their upcoming marriage and their life as husband and wife.
Couples meet in Pre-Cana Group Sessions available through the Diocese of Buffalo Office of Family Life Ministries.
Pre-Cana is also available on-line.
For further information or if you have questions, please feel free to contact the rectory.